Hier findet ihr die SpecherInnen des Azure Saturday Cologne 2019:
Name A-Z
Alexander Wachtel
Alexander Wachtel is working as a Managing Director for the ESC Germany. As a Microsoft Gold Partner in several competencies, the ESC Germany offers professional software engineering, consulting, and training services for Microsoft products and technologies. Due to his many years of experience, he has been honored as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) since 2013 till today.
After graduating in computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2012, he also works on his Ph.D. thesis in the field of programming in natural language at the chair of Prof. Dr. Walter F. Tichy. During this time, he has published several technical research articles in the area of Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Programming, AI & Cognitive Services.
Since 2012, Wachtel has increasingly been integrating Microsoft technologies into his courses, teaching Azure, Bot Framework and Azure Machine Learning. For this reason, since 2016 he has been awarded as the Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlxWachtel
Ben Hüpeden
Ben is working as Senior IT Architect by Orange Networks. His focus is on all the cool new topics in IT, like Azure, Azure Stack, AWS and IBM Watson. When he is not working he is active speaker at several community events and conferences (Experts Live Austria, Azure Saturday, MS Cloud Community, Azure Meetups). As well he organizes events like Azure Saturday Berlin and Global Azure Bootcamp in Berlin, as well as the Azure Meetups in Hanover.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhuepeden
Blog: https://intheclouds.eu/
Björn Peters
I’ve started with SQL Server 6.5 but only as a sys-admin and not as DBA. Later I’d worked as a full DBA with SQL Server 2000 and my love to SQL Server started. In 2015 I’d got more interested in SQL PASS and tried to speak for the first time… the main part of my job is to work as DB-Admin and solution architect but I’m trying to widen my horizons. In 2016 I’ve visited and volunteered at the German SQL Saturdays und SQLGrillen and since October 2016 I’m the organizer of Azure Meetup Hamburg.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sql_aus_hh
Blog: http://www.sql-aus-hamburg.de/
Christian Waha
Technical Fellow – ti&m AG
Christian Waha,
Technical Fellow bei ti&m AG beschäftigt sich seit vielen Jahren mit Microsoft Cloud Technologien und ist nun als Markenbotschafter und Evangelist unterwegs. Zusätzlich hat er durch seinen Anteil am Startup Swiss Legal Tech Solutions Einblick in die Startup Welt und durch sein Engagement bei Industrial Holographics einen guten Einblick in die Digital Reality besonders MR und AR.
Daniel Neumann
Daniel Neumann is working for LeanIX as a Staff Software Engineer. Before joining LeanIX, he was working for Microsoft as an Azure Technology Solutions Professional. Daniel is a former Microsoft MVP and has received the award in the category Cloud and Datacenter Management in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neumanndaniel
Blog: https://www.danielstechblog.io/
Daniel Meixner
Daniel Meixner ist AppDev Specialist bei Microsoft und beschäftigt sich mit DevOps Best Practices, Cloud Architekturen und Entwicklerwerkzeugen. In seiner langjährigen Erfahrung in unterschiedlichen Rollen – vom Entwickler bis zum Evangelisten – hat er das „Gute, Schlechte und Hässliche“ in der Softwareentwicklung zu genüge und aus unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln kennengelernt.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielMeixner
Github: https://github.com/DanielMeixner
Dennie Declerq
Dennie is Microsoft MVP Developer Technologies and has experience in accessibility in with Microsoft technologies. In daily life Dennie is president and developer at DDSoft, a nonprofit in function of People With Disabilities. Dennie invented technical solutions and systems to help people with disabilities to participate in their daily life. Thanks to his autism he’s the right man at the right spot to contribute as a volunteer in function of people with disabilities.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DennieDeclercq
Blog: https://accessibledreams.home.blog/
Dennis Zielke
Dennis Zielke, Global Black Belt | Cloud Native Apps | Microsoft
Dennis Zielke is part of the Global Black Belt team at Microsoft and specializing on the cloud native stack. He is working as an software architect with enterprise customers to design, build and deploy microservice based applications for the cloud.
Eldert Grootenboer
Eldert can be described as an Azure MVP, Cloud Solution Architect, blogger, public speaker and technical author. He can regularly be seen on conferences and user groups, speaking on Cloud related topics, with a strong focus on Azure. His experience with the Cloud comes from his daily work with these technologies in many innovative projects with various clients, as well as his drive to further dive into the latest developments in his spare time. Eldert enjoys sharing his knowledge with the community, and believes this is the best way to each other obtain more and better opportunities.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/egrootenboer
Blog: https://blog.eldert.net/
Fabian Flanhardt
Passionate about Cloud, especially Microsoft Azure. Loves to automate stuff.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FabianFlanhardt
Fabian Geef
SAP-Werkstudent & Microsoft-Campus-Community MemberStudent der Wirtschaftsinformatikstudent an der Universität zu Kölnund SAP Werkstudent
Frank Oltmanns-Mack
I started my cloud journey at T-Systems International GmbH in 2012. Since 2016 I specialized on Azure as a Cloud Consultant at ORBIT Gesellschaft für Applikations- und Informationssysteme mbH. In 2019 I joined Microsoft Deutschland GmbH and work there as a Cloud Solution Architect in Infrastructure for the Customer Success Unit.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Frank_O_M
Gerd Deiters
Gerhard Deiters studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität zu Köln. Nach dem ersten Staatsexamen war er zunächst am Institut für Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung und später bei einer Kölner Wirtschaftskanzlei als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tätig, wo er auch im Referendariat die Anwaltsstation absolvierte. Seine Verwaltungsstation absolvierte er bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Jakarta, seine Wahlstation bei der eBay GmbH in Dreilinden bei Berlin. Als Rechtsanwalt arbeitete er vor seiner Tätigkeit für BHO Legal mehrere Jahre bei einer überregionalen Sozietät im IT-, Telekommunikations- und Datenschutzrecht. Er berät in den Bereichen, IT, Luft- und Weltraum sowie Datenschutz, hierbei schwerpunktmäßig in lang angelegten Großprojekten (z.B. Galileo, Copernicus, Heron TP etc.). Herr Deiters ist zudem als externer Datenschutzbeauftragter tätig.
Gregor Reimling
Gregor is working for sepago GmbH as a Cloud Architect for Azure. Before joining sepago, he was working as Cloud- and Infrastructure architect with main focus on Microsoft technologies.
In october 2018 he was honored with his first MVP award for Azure.
Gregor is mostly find as Speaker on many community conferences, blogs regulary at www.reimling.eu and he is organizer of the Azure Bonn Meetup, an local Azure user group near cologne.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GregorReimling
Blog: http://www.reimling.eu/
Ivan Čuljak
Ivan is a .NET freelance developer in love with Azure, Xamarin, and the idea of automating whatever. He’s also an Microsoft MVP for Azure <3. When he’s not developing something new, he’s salvaging something inherited, consulting with enthusiasm, and testing and breaking new technologies in a quest for something useful.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/culjakivan
Blog: https://www.culjak.xyz/
Janek Fellien
BASIC, SYS, Modula 2, Pascal und dBase IV 1.5 waren die ersten Sprachen, mit denen ich in Berührung kam. Das ist nun schon mehr als 25 Jahre her. Seit dem hat sich vieles verändert. Nun wird mit C# und JavaScript entwickelt, hauptsächlich für Backendsysteme in der Cloud. Seit 2010 verfolge ich den Ansatz von CQRS in der Implementierung und DDD in der Modellierung von Software. Zusammen mit meinen Teams lerne ich auf die Domain Experten zu hören und deren Bedürfnisse zu erkennen. In Berlin bin ich in der Community tätig, organisiere Meetups und Konferenzen wie die https://KanDDDinsky.de. Ab und an schreibe ich Artikel oder Blog Posts. Doch meistens verbringe ich meine Zeit mit der Familie oder beim Lesen von
Interessantem und Neuem.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/janekf
Blog: https://devcrowd.de/
Jan Mulkens
Jan Mulkens is a Microsoft MVP in AI, the Competence Lead for Microsoft Advanced Analytics at Ordina Belgium and a Microsoft BI Consultant .
In his spare time, he is a speaker at conferences and user groups in europe and he organizes 2 user groups and a conference in Belgium.
Power BI Days conference (www.powerbidays.com), Belgium Microsoft Advanced Analytics User Group (bit.ly/msaaug), Flemish Power BI User Group (bit.ly/FlemishPowerBI).
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanMulkens
Blog: https://www.janmulkens.be/
Kris van der Mast
As a freelance Microsoft technologies expert Kris helps his clients to reach their goals. Actively involved in the global community he is a Microsoft MVP since 2007. First for ASP.NET and since 2016 achieving in 2 disciplines: Azure and Visual Studio and Development Technologies. Kris is also a Microsoft ASP Insider, Microsoft Azure Advisor and a Belgian Microsoft Extended Experts Team (MEET) member. In the Belgian community Kris is active as a board member of Belgian Azure User Group AZUG and is chairman of the Belgian User Group Initiative (BUG). Since he started with .NET back in 2002 he’s also been active on the ASP.NET forums where is also a moderator. For his professional profile you can check out his LinkedIn. His personal site can be found at www.krisvandermast.com. Kris is a public (inter)national speaker and is a co-organizer of the CloudBrew conference.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/KrisvanderMast
Blog: http://www.krisvandermast.com/
Matthias Gessenay
Matthias Gessenay is an Azure Architect, working at Corporate Software. Beside of a strong technical background and a deep love to automation, he onboards enterprises to Azure and Office 365. He runs three Meetups in Switzerland and is the initiator of the Azure Concept on Github (https://github.com/azureprofessional/azure-concept/)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mgessenay
Blog: https://cloudspeed.ch/
Raphael Köllner
Raphael Koellner combining the law and the information technology in particular the cloud computing. He worked for universities, Microsoft Germany (DX), Microsoft Partner as consultant. As a Lead consultant for Devoteam Alegri GmbH he worked for huge international companies to migrate and implementate cloud solutions on a technical and a contract/law way. Since 2019 Raphael Köllner is Microsoft Regional Director. He is the community guy, MVP for Office Server & Services, Windows 10 Insider MVP, MCT, Microsoft Student Partner Evangelist and become an attorney in Europe. He is the lead of the Office 365 Usergroup Germany, the Office 365 DACH, Leader of the Office 365 conference Germany, the SharePoint Saturday Cologne and one of 30 Windows 10 Top Insiders. In this connection he leads the biggest Windows 10 Insider Community in Germany.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra_Koellner
Blog: http://www.rakoellner.de/
Robert Horrion
University of Cologne Information Systems student
Microsoft Campus Community Hub Lead Rhineland
Microsoft Student Partner
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RobertHorrion
Robin-Manuel Thiel
Robin-Manuel Thiel, Global Black Belt | Cloud Native Apps | Microsoft
At daylight, Robin-Manuel Thiel talks about IT trends and developments. But at night, he turns into a tinker and developer which often leads to insufficient sleep and unfinished side-projects. He’s in love with cool technologies, cross-platform and everything with a power-plug or IP address.
Tiago Costa
Hi I’m Tiago and I work has a Cloud Architect and Advisor for the Microsoft Cloud. For the past 18 years I have been architecting and developing solutions using Microsoft technologies like Microsoft Azure, Office 365, SharePoint, .Net and SQL Server. I have a strong real world experience and regularly deliver training around the world, mainly in Microsoft Azure.
I have several Microsoft Certifications and I’m also a MCT – Microsoft Certified Trainer. In 2013 I was nominated as a MCT Regional Lead by Microsoft Corp (HQ) and I have been renewed every year including in Jan, 2017 for a 2 years term (2017 – 2018).
In 2016 I was awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award due to my community efforts in promoting, sharing knowledge and experiences about Microsoft Products. In July, 2018 I have switch category for Microsoft Azure due to my focus on the Microsoft Cloud. This award gives me the opportunity to go even further in getting more opportunities to share my passion for Microsoft Azure.
I love diving into new technologies and share my experience at conferences and training classes, but what excites me about my work is to help others exploring new frontiers in technology and to become better professionals.
My short free-time is spent with my family in a city near the sunny Lisbon in Portugal and building some cool and geek projects.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tiagocostapt
Blog: https://www.tiagocosta.com/
Tobias Steiner
Tobias Steiner has been a Cloud Platform Engineer at Gothaer in Cologne since 2017. He is responsible for the implementation of the Devops pipeline in Azure and the migration of business applications into the Azure environment. His many years of experience as a business consultant in the international eCommerce environment have helped him to translate customer requirements into Azure technology. Tobias lives with his family near Cologne.