
We are pleased to present the agenda of the first Azure Saturday Cologne:

Zeit / Room Rotunde Düsseldorf Frankfurt Bad Driburg Workshop Essen
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome Reception + Welcome from our Partner the Gothaer Insurance
9:30 – 10:15 Keynote


Disruption kann man nicht planen!
Von Robotern, fliegenden Autos und digitalen Lösungen.

Prof. Dominik Bösl

10:15 – 10:30 break
10:30 – 11:15 Strategien zur Konzeption, Umsetzung und Integration eines Chatbots in die Unternehmenslandschaft

Alexander Wachtel (MCT)  


Azure Resource Manager in A Serverless World


Eldert Grootenboer (MVP)


Quantum Computing Basics


Christian Waha (MVP)


Taming your cloud spendings


Ben Huepeden


 Part 1:

Create and consume

Robert Horrion (MSP)


ARM you Azure Infrastructure in
45 Minutes


Tiago Costa (MVP, MCT)


11:15 – 11:30 break
11:30 – 12:15 Multi cloud multi tenant serverless crawlers


Ivan Čuljak (MVP)


Applying DevOps practices to Maschine Learning


Jan Mulkens (MVP)


Einführung in Kubernetes


Daniel Meixner  (Microsoft Deutschland)


Daten- und Geschäftsgeheimnisse bei Chatbots


Gerhard Deiters (RA)


Part 2:

Create and consume

Robert Horrion (MSP)


Moving from Azure IaaS to PaaS, my own story


Dennie Declercq (MVP)


12:30 – 1:30

lunch break

1:30 – 2:15 Serverless Computing mit Azure – the good, the bad and evil parts

Jan „Janek“ Fellien (MVP)


Visual Studio Code

Kris van der Mast (MVP)



Deployment mit Azure Dev Ops Pipelines

Fabian Flanhardt

Tobias Steiner


Multi Cloud und aufsichtsratsrechtliche Anforderungen

Gregor Scherer (RA)

Raphael Köllner


Using Azure DevOps and Azure Kubernetes Services


Frank Oltmanns-Mack (MS)


Service Mesh or the Mystery Case of Dying Microservices


Dennis Zielke
Global Black Belt | Cloud Native Apps | Microsoft


2:15 – 2:30



2:30 – 3:15 Using Helm, Brigade and Kashti on your Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster


Daniel Neumann


MLOps, Automated Machine Learning Made Easy


Jan Mulkens (MVP)


SAP & Azure, eine gute Kombination?


Fabian Geef (MSP)


Protect your data in Microsoft 365 – Microsoft Information Protection


Raphael Köllner (MVP, RD)


Creating a rocking global Web Application with Microsoft Azure PaaS Services


Tiago Costa (MVP)


3:15 – 4:45 coffee break 
3:45 – 4:30 SQL Server Datenbanken in der Cloud – aber was passt zu mir?


Björn Peters (MVP)

Lesson Learnd From Implementing API Management in the real world


Eldert Grootenboer (MVP)

Azure Bastion – Secure access to your Azure VM without Jumphosts or Public IP


Gregor Reimling (MVP)

Trust your cloud!


Matthias Gessenay (MVP)


Azure DevSpaces – beschleunigte Entwicklung und Debugging von Microservices in Kubernetes

Daniel Meixner
(Microsoft Deutschland GmbH)

4:30 – 4:45



4:45 – 5:30


Agenda: 4. December 2019


Sessions  and Tracks

The exact descriptions of the sessions can be found here.


Level –  Sessions/Workshops

These are divided from beginner and overview level up to the expert level. So there are four categories:

  • Introduction and overview
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Expert


Azure Resource Manager in A Serverless World

So we have heard about using Infrastructure as Code to deploy our environments and resources, but how do we apply this in a world of Platform as a Service and Serverless? What tooling can we use, and how do we ensure our templates are created correctly?
In this session you will learn tips, best practices and techniques from real customers on using Azure Resource Manager templates to make your journey as smooth as possible. We will see how to get started on creating templates, how to easily move from portal to Infrastructure as Code, and what tools are available to help us with this. And we will dive even deeper, looking into deployment strategies, feature flags and other complex solutions.

Speaker: Eldert Grootenboer (MVP)

Level: Advanced

Language: english


Vollautomatisiertes VM Deployment mit Azure Dev Ops Pipelines

Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr die Erstellung von virtuellen Maschinen mit Hilfe von Azure DevOps vollständig automatisieren könnt. Und das auf höchstem Sicherheitsniveau.
Das umfasst die Definition und Versionierung der Infrastruktur als Code, ein automatisiertes Namenskonzept, Verschlüsselung mit HSM bis hin zur Konfiguration des Betriebssystems.

Speaker: Fabian Flanhardt und Tobias Steiner

Level: Intermediate

Language: German


Quantum Computing Basics

I will talk About Qbits, how Qbits work and the massive difference in algorithmics on quantum computing.

Speaker: Christian Waha (MVP)

level: Intermediate

Language: German


Service Mesh or the Mystery Case of Dying Microservices 

There are lots of different options to get around the typical challenges involved in designing, building and operating large distributed apps in the clouds. In this session we want so share some experience from building microservices and how a service mesh can help or sabotage your efforts of running reliable apps using kubernetes.

Speaker: Dennis Zielke, Global Black Belt | Cloud Native Apps | Microsoft

Level: Intermediate

Language: German



Serverless Computing mit Azure – the good, the bad and evil parts

Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, du hast schon vom nächsten Schritt der Evolution in der Softwareentwicklung gehört. Vielleicht hast du sogar schon ein bisschen ausprobiert oder spielst mit dem Gedanken serverless Technologien im nächsten Projekt einzusetzen. Sei dir gewiss, es ist schwerer als erwartet.
Seit 2016 entwickle ich mit Azure Functions, Microsofts Antwort auf die AWS Lambdas. Dabei blieb es nicht aus, dass ich in viele Fallen getappt bin. Um dir diese Schmerzen zu ersparen, möchte ich in diesem Talk über Auswege und Hintergründe zu den Problemen sprechen.

Speaker: Jan „Janek“ Fellien (MVP)

Level: Introduction and overview

Language: German


Using Helm, Brigade and Kashti on your Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster

Gain insights about Helm the package manager for Kubernetes, Brigade the event-driven scripting for Kubernetes and Kashti the graphical dashboard for Brigade.

We cover in this session:
-> What are Helm charts?
-> Writing Helm charts and deploy them via Azure Pipelines onto an AKS cluster
-> What is Brigade?
-> Using Brigade in an AKS cluster
-> Using Kashti

Speaker: Daniel Neumann

Level: Advanced

Language: German or English


Lesson Learnd From Implementing API Management in the real world

Azure API Management is the gatekeeper to our data and processes, and as such it’s really important that we set this up securely. But how do we know which features of API Management will allow us to reach our goal? And how should we implement them in such a way that we stay secure, while still providing the best experience for our developers?

This session will show you how to set up an API Management environment, using real life use cases. You will learn how to expose and protect your services, which policies help make our life easier, and how to handle your application lifecycle management.

Speaker: Eldert Grootenberg (MVP)

Level: Advanced

Language: english


Strategien zur Konzeption, Umsetzung und Integration eines Chatbots in die Unternehmenslandschaft

Die Idee zu einem KI Projekt ist schnell entwickelt. KI Tool führen zu einem positiven Kundenerlebnis der Nutzer und eine Erleichterung der Arbeitsabläufe. Im Rahmen der Diskussion zeigt Alexander Wachtel die Möglichkeiten auf, wie ein Chatbot-Projekt erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann. Der Fokus liegt auf Strategien zur natürlichsprachlichen Dialogmodellierung sowie der technischen Umsetzung eines Chatbots. Abschließend wird die Integration in die Unternehmenslandschaft und das Ausrollen an die Endbenutzer besprochen.

Speaker: Alexander Wachtel (MCT)

Level: Expert

Language: German


Einführung in Kubernetes

Es gibt zwar jede Menge Literatur und Tutorials über Container und Kubernetes aber die Erfahrung zeigt, dass es für Entwickler dennoch ziemlich schwierig ist Kubernetes zu verstehen. In dieser Session erhalten Entwickler und Architekten, die schon Erfahrung mit Containern haben eine Einführung in Kubernetes aus Entwicklersicht und werden danach verstehen wofür es Kubernetes gibt, wie man damit arbeitet und was es eigentlich tut.

Speaker: Daniel Meixner (Microsoft)

Level: Intermediate

Language: german


Azure DevSpaces – beschleunigte Entwicklung und Debugging von Microservices in Kubernetes

Kubernetes zu verstehen ist eigentlich kompliziert genug. Kubernetes Applikationen zu entwickeln und zu debuggen legt noch eine Schippe obendrauf. Das liegt gar nicht so sehr an Kubernetes, sondern daran, dass wir es hier eben mit einer verteilten Anwendung zu tun haben, die aus einem Haufen Microservices besteht. Was aber, wenn wir doch eigentlich nur das Verhalten eines einzelnen Services überprüfen oder ändern wollen? Azure DevSpaces verspricht eine Lösung, die sowohl die „inner loop“, als auch die „outer loop“ beim Entwickeln beschleunigt und vereinfacht.

Speaker: Daniel Meixner (Microsoft)

Level: Intermediate

Language: german


Applying DevOps practices to Maschine Learning

DevOps practices range from continuous integration to continuous delivery from ensuring production is always online or easy to rollback to measuring all the things, from ensuring code and knowledge get shared to having a loosely coupled architecture and of course much more.

How do we actually get that to work with Machine Learning? And why should you care?
First of all, it turns out that any (non-) data scientist can actually be of value in the lifecycle of a machine learning solution. But more importantly, it turns out that by using the knowledge and experience from the community, it’s actually possible to transform the way you deliver your machine learning solutions to the end user. It turns out it’s even possible to do this much faster than ever before.

In this session, you’ll be guided through a solution that uses DevOps practices to help you overcome classic issues with delivering machine learning solutions. Come for the buzzwords, stay because this is what you’ve always wanted in your organisation!

Speaker: Jan Mulkens (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: english


Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is the free IDE that came from the Microsoft stables which runs on multiple platforms. A lot of people are turning towards it because it’s fast and has heaps of cool features and extensions as well as themes. This session will give you a feeling of what you can do with it and how to extend it yourself.

Speaker: Kris van der Mast (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: english


MLOps, Automated Machine Learning Made Easy

In this session we’ll go through what Automated Machine Learning is, how to automate it’s deployment and how that in turn simplifies and thus democratizes AI for everyone.

From a short high level overview of all the tools to picking the right tool for the job. The largest part of the session will be a live example of how anyone can actually start using these tools to get a model in production. As we go along, we’ll touch on how to avoid the pitfalls that naturally come with the automation of a complex process.

You’ll walk away with the knowledge and code to start Automating Machine Learning on your own data and delivering solutions at the speed of light.
Prerequisites: A high level understanding of Machine Learning is certainly helpful but not required.

Speaker: Jan Mulkens (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: english


SQL Server Datenbanken in der Cloud – aber was passt zu mir?

In dieser Sitzung lernen Sie die verschiedenen Optionen für Ihre SQL-Bereitstellungen in Azure kennen.
Nach dieser Sitzung sollten Sie in der Lage sein:
– die Vorteile eines SQL Servers in Azure zu verstehen
– die wichtigsten Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen SQL Server On-Prem, Azure VM, Azure SQL DB (einzelne Datenbank, elastischer Pool und verwaltete Instanz) und Hybrid zu benennen
– die verschiedenen Services in Azure SQL DB zu unterscheiden
– die passende Performance-Klasse für Ihre Arbeitsauslastung und Geschäftsanforderungen (Serverless, Hyperscale, General Purpose, Business Critical usw.) zu ermittlen

Zum Schluss ein paar Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie entscheiden können, welches für Ihre Bedürfnisse das richtige ist.

Speaker:  Björn Peters (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: german


ARM you Azure Infrastructure

Microsoft Azure is an amazing platform and in a few minutes we can create an infrastructure to support a workload, but if this is not done in a structured way, we end-up with a disorganized Azure Subscription. In 60 minutes, this session shows you how to generate ARM Templates for consistent and repeatable deployments and how you can automate the deployment of your Infrastructure. During a demo-dependent session we are going to check how Azure DevOps can help us, using Azure Repos to control the versioning of ARM Templates and Azure Pipelines to deploy then. In just 60 minutes we are going to create a full ALM experience for your Azure Infrastructure.

Speaker: Tiago Costa (MVP, MCT)

Level: Advanced

Language: english


Multi-cloud multi-tenant serverless crawlers

Crawlers are always a cool topic, but they take a second role in this talk.

One day we’ve decided that running and taking care of a bunch of VMs in various regions, only to crawl the web from them, is tedious, not so scalable, and honestly we needed a new hobby project.

The idea was to build a system which can spin up some computing resources across the globe with a wide range of IP addresses without having to use proxies. The system also had to be scalable, require as little maintenance as possible, hopefully cost less than the current one to run, and since we were getting requests from some potential clients – it had to be multi tenant.

During this talk you’ll be able to learn why did we go with serverless containers instead of serverless functions, how are we automatically provisioning infrastructure on a need basis on three clouds, how are the requests and responses flowing through the system, etc, etc.

Basically, at the end of the talk you should have a general idea on how to build your own system which spins up and down various tasks on multiple clouds.

Speaker: Ivan Čuljak (MVP)

Level: Advanced

Language: english


Moving from Azure IaaS to PaaS, my own story

Since 2014 I am working with data, specific open data. DDSoft provides its own data client for its applications for people with disabilities. At this time it’s an open data platform but maybe in the future it will have a closed data possibility. I made the first version of our data platform in Azure in 2014. It was build in Infrastructure as a Service. In 2018 I made the switch to Platform as a Service. This is a win-win situation. In this talk I tell you about the good, the bad and the ugly of IaaS an PaaS. The steps I had to take to transfer to PaaS. I talk also of all the goodness the PaaS data platform has.

Speaker: Dennie Declercq (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: english


Creating a rocking global Web Application with Microsoft Azure PaaS

In today’s world, “Global” is THE reality. When we create the infrastructure for a new web application we need to think about it has an application that will have a global reach. This is a good challenge for Azure Architects. Creating global applications is no easy piece, we can hit a lot of concerns, not only technical but also business related and even legal.
In this session, we will check how Azure App Service can helps us reach this global application goal and how other related services, like Traffic Manager, Azure Storage, SQL Databases and Service BUS can help you to create a global scale application. Expect a heavily-demo depended session, based on the real-world experience in implementing this services in several customers.

Speaker: Tiago Costa (MVP)

Level: Advanced

Language: english


Azure Bastion – Secure access to your Azure VM without Jumphosts or Public IP

Azure Bastion is a new way to access your Azure VMs. Forget to deploy Jump Hosts in your Tenant to reach Azure VMs from outside of your corporate network.
Don’t use public IPs anymore to access your Azure VMs in an unsecure way.
With Azure Bastion there is a new way available to access your Azure VMs from all over the world in a secure way. No need to deploy and manage Jump Hosts.
When you deploy Azure Bastion you get a service endpoint in your network and this service endpoint route you to every VM inside the network.
Learn how easy is it to enroll the service and to replace existing Jumg Hosts with a managed service to improve the security of your network.

Speaker: Gregor Reimling (MVP)

Level: Intermediate

Language: german


Taming your cloud spendings

Cloud is great! You can deploy your auto-scaling application automatically through self service. Waking up the next morning with your quarterly budget gone doesn’t feel that good…
Which ways do we have to keep track of our budget and actual costs? How to survive the next meeting with finance?

Speaker: Ben Huepeden (MCT)

Level: Intermediate

Language: german


Daten- und Geschäftsgeheimnisse bei Chatbots

Language assistants such as Cortana, Alexa and Siri have been on the advance for years and are also increasingly being used in companies. The subject of this article is the question of how the use of these assistants in the context of the DSGVO as well as with regard to the requirements of the GeschGehG is to be evaluated legally.

Speaker: Gerhard Deiters (Rechtsanwalt)

Level: Expert

Language: german


SAP & Azure, eine gute Kombination?

Microsoft’s entire SAP infrastructure has now been moved from On Premise to the Azure Cloud. The topic of this presentation is the reasons for this step and the approach to this task.
SAP solutions like HANA will be presented and how they are integrated into Azure.

Speaker: Fabian Geef (Microsoft Student Partner)

Level: Introduction and overview

Language: german


Microsoft Information Protection – Unified Labeling for data protection and data privacy

Data protection and above all data security have been frequently discussed or is a deadly topic in every company, not only since the basic data protection regulation. The requirements for a uniform solution with labels, encryption and monitoring are clear at first glance, but are often overlooked in detail. Microsoft is currently merging its solutions in the area of Microsoft 365 and is eliminating parallels. The goal is a solution that protects a company’s data regardless of device, platform, data format and storage location. The speaker will present the latest developments of Microsoft Ignite and the roadmap. These are supported by own case studies and many practical experiences, so that questions are cordially welcome.

Speaker: Raphael Köllner (MVP, RD)

Level: Advanced

Language: german


Trust your cloud!

Architect the compliant cloud that you can trust. Learn the five secrets of an Azure Architect: Build compliant services with region tiering, leverage encryption, route and peer the right way, apply strong governance, design your subscriptions.

Sprecher: Matthias Gessenay (MCT)

Level: Intermediate

Sprache: deutsch oder english je nach TeilnehmerInnen




Hinweis zu der Workshop Teilnahme: 

Alle TeilnehmerInnen müssen Ihren Laptop (inkl. Netzteil, Maus) mitbringen. Ohne die Mitnahme des eigenen Rechners ist die Teilnahme an den Workshops nicht möglich.


Create and consume Azure functions

Create your first own Azure function and learn to integrate it with new or existing infrastructure. No prior coding skills required.

Participants will learn to create new Azure functions and to integrate them with existing apps. I will provide a demo app that needs to consume a REST function to work. Participants then learn to deploy and integrate REST based Azure functions in the demo app provided by me.

Sprecher: Robert Horrion (Microsoft Student Partner)

Level: Introduction and overview

Language: german


Using Azure DevOps and Azure  Kubernetes  Services

This session will show how to use Azure DevOps to do CI/CD into an Azure Kubernetes Services Environment. Azure Pipelines will be used to automate Build and Deployment steps.

Sprecher: Frank Oltmanns-Mack (Microsoft Deutschland)

Level: advanced

Language: German