1. Introduction
The Conference is committed to maintaining ethical standards in the conduct of its business
activities. The Conference’s reputation as an ethical non-profil organisation is important to its
ongoing success and it expects all its officers and attendees to be familiar and have a
personal commitment to meeting these standards.
2. Purpose of this Code
The Board has adopted this Code of Conduct to define basic principles of business conduct.
The Code requires officers and employees to abide by the policies of the Company and the
law. The Code is a set of principles giving direction and reflecting the Company’s approach to
business conduct and is not a prescriptive list of rules for business behaviour.
3. Business ethics
(a) Openness, honesty, fairness and integrity – Officers and employees will conduct
themselves with openness, honesty, fairness and integrity in business transactions and
in dealings with others.
(b) Mutual respect – Employees are expected to treat everyone else with whom they
interact in their work with courtesy and respect.
(c) Ethical conduct – Officers and employees will act ethically in their approach to
business decisions.
(d) Compliance with Laws – Employees are expected to comply with all laws and
regulations that govern the Company’s business and the policies that the Company
adopts from time to time.
4. Business conduct
All attendees and the Orga will observe appropriate principles of behaviour when conducting
Company business and interacting with others.
(a) Compliance with laws and regulations – Directors, officers and employees will act in
compliance with all laws and regulations that apply to the Company’s business.
Directors, officers and employees should discuss with their manager and if necessary
obtain the consent of the Managing Director or Chairman to seek advice from one of
the Company’s legal advisors if they are unclear about any laws or regulations relating
to their work.
(b) Trading in Shares – Any trading of the Company’s shares must be done in
accordance with the Share Trading Policy.
(c) Intellectual property – Each officer and employee is responsible for protecting the
Company’s intellectual property rights. All intellectual property that an employee or
contractor generates in relation to the Company is the property of the Company.
5. Personal and professional conduct
(a) Financial integrity – The Company has stringent financial accounting procedures that
are overseen by management, the audit committee and the external auditor. The use
of Company funds or assets for any unethical purpose is prohibited.
(b) Giving gifts – The Company does not allow the making of payments or payments in
kind (gifts, favours etc) to induce individuals to award business opportunities to the
Company or to make a decision in the Company’s favour. This activity is prohibited by
the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).
The Company recognises that it is accepted business practice that entertainment and
small gifts may be extended to customers and other third parties with whom the
Company has a relationship. However, any such gifts must be made for a proper
(c) Accepting gifts – Officers and employees should not accept personal gifts or
extraordinary hospitality, accommodation or travel which may influence, or appear to
influence, a business decision.
(d) Business agreements and contracts – The Company expects to compete fairly and
ethically for all business opportunities. Officers and employees involved in the
negotiation of agreements and contracts must ensure that they act in accordance with
the law. All appropriate approvals must be obtained before contracts are executed.
The Company is committed to meeting its contractual obligations.
(e) Confidentiality and privacy – Officers and employees may not at any time, directly or
indirectly, profit from confidential information obtained during the course of duties they
perform on behalf of the Company.
Each employee must safeguard confidential information of the Company by not
transferring, publishing, using or disclosing it other than when necessary in the
ordinary course of business, or as specifically directed or authorised. All confidential or
proprietary information that has been entrusted to the Company by a third party must
be treated as if it was the Company’s confidential information and all officers and
employees must adhere to the Company’s privacy obligations.
(f) Public Statements – Public statements have the potential to breach the Company’s
obligations in respect to confidential information, share trading and continuous
Officers and employees should not make public statements unless authorised by the
Chairman or Managing Director.
(g) Smoking and the use of drugs and alcohol – A safe and healthy work environment
is the responsibility of every employee. This obligation includes responsible behaviour
with respect to the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco when conducting Company
business and at Company sponsored activities.
Smoking and the use of recreational or non-prescription drugs is not permitted on
Company premises.
(h) Gathering information on the Company’s competitors – Information should not be
gained through unlawful or deceitful means.
(i) Conflict of interest – All officers and employees have an obligation to seek to avoid
financial, business or other relationships which might be opposed to the interests of the
Company or which may conflict with the performance of their duties. If you have any
doubt about conflicts of interest, you should contact your manager or the Company
(j) Use of Company’s resources – Employees must use all Company assets for proper
purposes during their employment with the Company. No property of the Company
may be sold, loaned, given away, or otherwise disposed of, without proper
(k) Email and Internet – The Company’s email and internet systems have been
developed to assist communication with stakeholders, suppliers and between staff.
These facilities may not be used for personal gain or in a manner which may breach
the law or is inappropriate for an officer or employee of the Company.
6. Respect for others
(a) The Company and its employees – The Company actively supports the principle of
equal employment opportunity and expects its officers and employees to practise and
support this principle. The Company’s policy is to ensure that it does not engage in
discriminatory practices and to make employment and career decisions on the basis of
individual ability, performance, experience, and Company requirements.
The Company regards personal, physical or sexual harassment as unacceptable. The
Company expects and requires its officers and employees to comply with Occupational
Health and Safety laws and Company policies.
(b) The Company, its shareholders and the financial community generally – The
Company is committed to delivering shareholder value by evaluating its business and
expenditure decisions against this objective. The Company has adopted a Continuous
Disclosure Policy and will ensure compliance with all relevant disclosure obligations
and accounting standards.
(c) The Company and its stakeholders and suppliers – The Company’s stakeholders
and suppliers will be treated fairly and with respect. The Company strives to maintain
open and frank business dealings and to develop mutually advantageous relationships.
(d) The Company and the community – The Company recognises that it is part of the
community and aims to conduct its business in a manner that ensures that the rights of
the community and environment are respected.
7. Reporting improper behaviour
It is the responsibility of the Board to monitor and ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct
and to record, investigate and, where necessary, take action in respect of suspected breaches.
Ensuring compliance with this Code is not always easy and we therefore ask for your help. If
you suspect that any fraudulent or unethical behaviour has occurred, you should contact any
member of the Board, the Managing Director or the Company Secretary. The Company does
not expect that concerned members of staff (Whistleblowers) will have unquestionable
evidence to support their suspicions. It is the Company’s responsibility to investigate and
determine whether the suspicions are justified and supported by evidence.
All communications from Whistleblowers will be treated with the strictest confidence and the
Whistleblower’s identity will not be revealed without their consent. Provided that the concern is
raised in good faith, Whistleblowers will not be at any risk of losing their job or suffering any
form of reprisal for coming forward. Furthermore, the Company will take all reasonable steps to
prevent the harassment or victimisation of the Whistleblower. However, no assurances are
offered to members of staff who maliciously raise matters which they know to be untrue. This
will be regarded as misconduct and dealt with accordingly.
The Board, the Managing Director or the Company may refer matters raised by Whistleblowers
to a designated investigating officer. Investigations will be conducted confidentially and, if the
Whistleblower requests, without disclosing the Whistleblower’s identity. In rare cases, it may
be not be possible to ensure complete confidentiality (eg if legal proceedings take place),
however the Whistleblower’s identity will not be revealed without their consent and the
Company will do everything possible to support and protect the Whistleblower. The
investigating officer will keep the Whistleblower informed with regard to the progress of the
investigation and what action, if any, the Company will take in response to the Whistleblower’s
8. More information
If you wish to obtain more information regarding any aspect of the Company’s Code of
Conduct, please consult the Conference Organization Team: info@azuresaturday.koeln .
Wir halten uns und orientieren uns an dem Code of Conduct von Microsoft: